Nine To Noon for Friday 13 August 2010
09:05 Wellington's beleaguered rail network
Lower Hutt resident Bevan Arps, who commutes to job in central Wellington each day tells us about his experiences.
09:20 Wellington's beleaguered rail network
Deborah Hume, KiwiRail passenger general manager; Peter Glensor, Greater Wellington transport and access committee chairman; and Jenny Rowan, Mayor, Kapiti Coast District Council.
09:30 Hacking of email accounts
Jake Yokum, Wellingtonian affected by email hacking; and Adam Boileau, Wellington-based internet security consultant.
09:45 Pacific correspondent Mike Field
10:05 Richard Hall - former head of the NZ Defence Force Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan
Colonel Richard Hall has written about his time leading our troops on the ground in Bamiyan province - now, more than ever, New Zealanders are asking why we're still there.
A Long Road to Progress - dispatches from a Kiwi Commander in Afghanistan by Richard Hall
Published by Random House
10:30 Book Review with Harry Broad
The Tasman by Neville Peat
Published by Penguin PB
10:45 Reading
Malcolm and Juliet by Bernard Beckett
16-year-old Malcolm is making a documentary on sex to win first prize at the National Secondary School's Science Fair (Part 10 of 15)
11:05 New Music with Sean McKenna
Sean reviews music from the Count Basie Orchestra, Robert Scott and Ruarri Joseph.
Artist: Count Basie Orchestra
Album: Swinging, Singing, Playing
Song: Blame It on My Youth
Video: Rhythm and Blues Review 1950
Artist: Robert Scott
Album: Ends Run Together
Song: Daylight
For FREE download of Daylight, go to
Artist: The Books
Album: The Way Out
Song: Beautiful People
Artist: Ruarri Joseph
Album: Shoulder to the Wheel
Song: An Orchard for an Apple
11:30 Sports commentator Joseph Romanos
PGA Golf - the final Major of the year; Counties to challenge Southland for the Ranfurly shield; the countdown to the Commonwealth Games in India; and A-League soccer season kicks off for the Phoenix tonight with a home match against Gold Coast.
11:45 Week That Was with Radar and Michele A'Court