09:05 Beekeepers welcome MPI U-turn on Mānuka honey

Beekeepers are welcoming a last minute back-down by the Ministry of Primary Industries over the definition of manuka honey - a $200 million export industry. NZ Beekeeping was set to take MPI to the High Court, over its proposed export standard on the premium honey. The industry group maintained that the standard would have meant more than 100 million dollars a year in export products could no longer be called mānuka honey, and would have caused major damage to the rural economy. At the last minute MPI agreed not to change the definition and NZ Beekeeping withdrew the legal action. Kathryn talks with NZ Beekeeping president Russell Berry and spokesperson for the UMF Honey Associaton John Rawcliffe.

09:20 Length of High Court cases under scrutiny

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Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

Are the wheels of justice turning smoothly in New Zealand's court cases? An Otago University-led study into the lengths of High Court cases has revealed almost a fifth of general proceedings are taking longer than two years, feeding the perception that widespread delays are inevitable. It's the first study of its kind in New Zealand and looks to explore ways the civil justice system can be improved. Kathryn Ryan speaks with the Director of the Legal Issues Centre at University of Otago's Law Faculty, and the lead author of the study, Dr Bridgette Toy-Cronin.

09:45 USA correspondent Susan Milligan

Donald Trump's first State of the Union address, where we are now with the the Russia investigation, and the #metoo movement continues to spread and take casualties.

10:05 Refik Anadol: it's virtual reality but not as you know it

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Photo: New Zealand Festival

You don't have to pop on a headset to experience the eye popping futuristic artworks created by Refik Anadol. Using data, architecture, projection, light  and sound, the Turkish media artist creates fully immersive artworks that'll make you think differently about the spaces you inhabit.

His work is about to come to Wellington as part of 'Future Playground' an interactive digital installation for the New Zealand Festival in March.

10:35 Book review - Best of 2017

Laura Caygill reviews:

The Power by Naomi Alderman, published by Penguin.

Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie, published by Bloomsbury.

Persons Unknown by Susie Steiner, published by HarperCollins.

10:45 The Reading

Gutter Black by Dave McArtney read by Phil O'Brien. Episode 2 of 6.

11:05 Business commentator Rod Oram

How the TPPA trade deal has morphed into the CPTPP, and Auckland Airport selling its stake in North Queensland Airports.

11:30 New Year, Old Me?

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Photo: 123rf

As February nears, some of those well-intended healthy New Years resolutions might be slipping into the back of some people's minds. But according to a leading health academic, it's this very mindset that needs to be flipped. Kathryn Ryan speaks with the director of the Centre for Health in the Bay of Plenty, Anna Rolleston, who specialises in the health and well-being of Maori and Pasifika. She says long-term goals and culture-specific strategies are essential in reversing some alarming trends.

11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis

Could the appointment of new political editors at TVNZ and TV3 produce an all-female line-up in mainstream media's press gallery leadership?

Gavin Ellis is a media commentator and former editor of the New Zealand Herald.  He can be contacted on gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz



Music played in this show


Artist: Superorganism
Song: Everybody wants to be famous
Album: Superorganism
Label: Domino
Time: 09:35

Artist:   First Aid Kit
Song:  It's a Shame
Composer: K Soderberg / J Soderberg
Album: Ruins
Label: Columbia
Time: 09:43

Artist:   David Byrne
Song: Everybody's coming to my house
Composer: Byrne
Album: American Utopia
Label: Warner
Time: 10:05

Artist:   Marlon Williams
Song: What's Chasing You
Composer: Williams
Album: Make Way for Love
Label: Dead Oceans
Time: 10:44