26 Jan 2015

Internet more expensive for almost everyone in 2015

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 26 January 2015

Telecommunications companies are being criticised for following each other's lead in putting up internet prices, despite a Commerce Commission decision that lowered the wholesale price for the copper network. Spark, Vodafone and Callplus - which represent 94 percent of the residential internet market - have all, in recent weeks, put up their prices for home internet packages for 2015 by as much as five dollars dollars a month. The companies say it was due to the outcome of the Commerce Commission's process, which is mandated by the Telecommunications Act. So should that lengthy, complex legislative process be changed? And should New Zealanders be paying more for internet in 2015, rather than less? Andrew Cushen is the Work Programme Director for Internet NZ. And Chris Quin is the chief executive for Spark Home, Mobile and Business.

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