6 Nov 2015

What does the Canadian election mean for global politics?

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am on 6 November 2015

Canada's relations with the United States has some parallels with New Zealand and Australia, they're the smaller neighbour which often gets overlooked when it comes to big, international affairs.

But the election of a new Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, last month could end up having a significant impact on global politics - and that's partly due to some interesting timing.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau Photo: AFP

The new PM is promising to legalise cannabis - just ahead of an international summit on drug treaties next year. He wants Canada to take a more aggressive stance on climate change, just before climate negotiations begin in Paris later this year.

And just as Russia steps into the fight against militant Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East, challenging US dominance, Trudeau has halted air strikes in the US-led campaign against Islamic State.

Nine to Noon speaks with Dr David Dyment, the Ottawa President of the Canadian International Council.

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