22 Jul 2019

Is compulsory building insurance on the way?

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 22 July 2019
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Photo: 123rf

Should compulsory building insurance be introduced to cover defective work and builders who go to the wall? The suggestion is part of a proposed major overhaul of the Building Act to raise standards and performance in the construction industry. People building a new home or doing a significant renovation would have to take out insurance to protect them against loss of deposit, non-completion and shoddy work. Public submissions to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment closed last month, and a recommendation to government is expected later this year. But would such insurance end up costing homeowners more and how adequate would the cover be? Kathryn talks with Roger Levie, Chief Executive of Home Owners and Buyers Association, Insurance Council CEO Tim Grafton, and construction litigation and insurance lawyer, Tanya Wood.