30 Aug 2019

New Zealander's new life in France. Jennifer Andrewes

From Nine To Noon, 10:06 am on 30 August 2019

Living part of the time in France, part in New Zealand, Wellingtonian Jennifer Andrewes shows it is possible to live the dream.

Putting the breaks on the daily grind and stepping off the corporate ladder, taking her young family with her, Jennifer upped sticks to a small village in the most south westerly corner of France, in the Pyrenees. 

Jennifer has written about her search for a new life - indeed a double life - in a love letter to the village of Quillan. 

Parallel Lives - Four Season in the French Pyrenees grew out a popular blog about her time there. 

Eventually, Jennifer bought a house in a village of just fifty people.

Lynn Freeman hears Jennifer's story and asks about the impacts in-comers like her are having there.

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