17 Oct 2019

Govt prepares for returning jihadis with new law

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 17 October 2019
Mark John Taylor poses a risk of carrying out a terrorist attack, the US says.

Mark John Taylor poses a risk of carrying out a terrorist attack, the US says. Photo: Screenshot / 60 Minutes

The government is preparing for the potential return of foreign fighters from Syria with a proposed new counter-terrorism law.  It would give a High Court judge powers to place restrictions, known as control orders, on people who are deemed a terror threat on returning from overseas.

The police would seek and then administer these orders, which could be applied to people aged 18 and older. The Green party will not support the bill, saying there are human rights implications and it could end up catching people who aren't actually terrorists. National says the bill isn't tough enough. Kathryn talks with University of Otago Professor of Law Andrew Geddis.