7 Sep 2020

Who's responsible for disposing of Mataura's toxic dross?

From Nine To Noon, 9:42 am on 7 September 2020
Southland locals protest about the toxic aluminium dross stored around Invercargill and Mataura

Southland locals protest about the toxic aluminium dross stored around Invercargill and Mataura Photo: Facebook / Sort out the Dross group

Mediation starts at Invercargill's District Court tomorrow (Tuesday) to determine who is responsible for removing toxic dross from the Mataura paper mill.  8,500 tonnes of a highly volatile by-product of aluminium production at Tiwai Point. ouvea premix was dumped at a dis-used paper mill in the Southland town six years ago, in close proximity to the town's 16-hundred residents, posing a risk to them and the environment.  The waste product gives off a deadly amonea gas when it's mixed with water. 

The Paper Mill is located on the banks of the Mataura River, which is prone to flooding.  Attending the hearing tomorrow is Gore District Council, Environment Southland, the Ministry for the Environment, paper mill owner Rio Tinto, NZ Aluminium Smelters Ltd, and the Environmental Defence Society.

EDS Chairman Gary Taylor will be at the hearing and speaks with Kathryn Ryan.

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