9 Nov 2020

Family trusts. To keep or to wind-up?

From Nine To Noon, 9:43 am on 9 November 2020
A calculator, a model of a house, a pen and a notebook - to illustrate financial planning and household budgets.

Photo: 123RF

Financial adviser Martin Hawes talks to Kathryn Ryan about the questions that need to be asked of Family Trusts ahead of a looming law change. The new Trusts Act kicks in on 30th January 2021. So what are the pros and cons ?

Martin Hawes is the author of Family Trusts: The Must-Have New Zealand Guide.

His first book on the subject, The New Zealand Guide to Family Trusts was the best-selling book in the country in 1995 and 1996 when trusts were at the height of their popularity.

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