29 Sep 2021

Australia correspondent Karen Middleton

From Nine To Noon, 9:50 am on 29 September 2021

Australia correspondent Karen Middleton joins Kathryn to look at how vaccination rates are rising, leading to hopes of a road out of lockdown and the expectation the Prime Minister will announce the reopening of international borders this summer.

Four new cases in Queensland have thrown Sunday's NRL grand final into doubt, with the possibility of it being moved to Townsville.

Scott Morrison still hasn't decided if he'll attend the next UN COP meeting in Glasgow in a few weeks' time, meanwhile a lot of Australian defence manufacturers are worried about the implications of an abrupt cancelling of the $90b submarine contract.

And finally, Australia is celebrating its local link to this week's Tony Awards with the smash success of the Broadway version of Moulin Rouge - by Australian producers Gerry Ryan and Carmen Pavlovic.

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Photo: AFP, RNZ