8 Oct 2021

Living vicariously in level 3 - opshop treasures

From Nine To Noon, 9:40 am on 8 October 2021
Op shop treasures - what Phill bought Lisa

Op shop treasures - what Phill bought Lisa Photo: Phill Palmer

What do you do when the much vaunted takeaways, or a picnic in the double bubble under Covid restrictions alert level 3 just don't cut it?. Waiheke woman Lisa Talbot has the answer. Get a friend or relative in living in level 2 to take you on a face time journey of the thing you are hankering to do most. Kathryn talks Phill Palmer and Lisa about virtual reality op shopping.

Lisa and Phill facetiming

Lisa and Phill facetiming Photo: Lisa Talbot & Phill Palmer

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