27 Jul 2022

Flooding cuts off State Highway One in Otago

From Nine To Noon, 11:20 am on 27 July 2022

The heavy rain that's hit the middle and lower parts of the South Island is now causing a major headache for travellers, with the main state highway between Dunedin and Timaru cut off. Rain is forecast to continue over Otago until mid-afternoon, so closures and flood warnings may not change until rain and river levels subside.State Highway One is closed from Palmerston through to Dunedin's Botanic Gardens, as is State Highway 83 the Duntroon-Georgetown Road. In South Canterbury, SH1 is closed at St Andrews through Makihikihi to Glenavy north of the Waitaki Bridge. Kathryn is joined by Nicole Felts, Waka Kotahi Journey Manager for Otago and Southland.

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