All episodes
Thursday, 17 September 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 17 September 2020
- 9:06 Genetic recipe book for natural products from fungi
Thursday, 30 July 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 30 July 2020
- 9:06 ‘The week that snowed’ – shedding new light on old weather records
- 9:07 In search of southern right whales
Thursday, 2 July 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 2 July 2020
- 9:06 Passionate maths teacher wins a PM’s Science Prize
- 9:07 Wheelie bin robot inventor wins science prize
- 9:08 ‘Melting ice & rising seas’ team wins PM Science Prize
- 9:09 Voices from Antarctica 6: Seal songs
Thursday, 21 May 2020
- 9:46 Mount Erebus Extremophile Microbes
- 9:46 Restoring Shackleton's Hut in Antarctica
- 8:15 Our Changing World for 21 May 2020
Thursday, 14 May 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 14 May 2020
- 9:06 Little bit of sea-level rise = lots more coastal flooding
Thursday, 30 April 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 30 April 2020
- 9:06 On yer bike – how cyclists, pedestrians & cars share city streets
- 9:07 Aussie bushfire dust still in stratosphere