All episodes
Thursday, 9 April 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 9 April 2020
- 9:06 Our immune system vs coronavirus: ‘I think of it as an orchestra'
Thursday, 2 April 2020
- 9:20 The virus hunter and the rare plant
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 2 April 2020
- 9:06 Virus 101
- 8:00 Conservation and Covid-19
Thursday, 26 March 2020
- 7:00 Covid-19: the science of soap
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 26 March 2020
- 9:06 Air pollution - the invisible killer
Thursday, 27 February 2020
- 3:45 Voice of the Kākāpō 1: Kākāpō - night parrot
- 3:30 Voice of the Kākāpō 2: Whenua Hou, kākāpō island
Thursday, 13 February 2020
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 13 February 2020
- 9:06 Using local yeasts to make distinctive NZ beers & wine
Thursday, 19 December 2019
- 8:00 Yttrium - here's that village Ytterby again
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 19 December 2019
- 9:06 Origins - the Big Bang, human evolution & Polynesian migrations
- 8:00 Zinc - more useful than you realise
- 8:00 Zirconium - shape-shifting time capsule
Thursday, 12 December 2019
- 8:00 Vanadium - Model T Fords, big batteries & sea squirts
- 8:00 Xenon - a stranger in search of strange particles
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 12 December 2019
- 9:06 High-rise apartments in earthquake-prone Wellington
- 8:00 Ytterbium - yet another element named after Ytterby
Thursday, 5 December 2019
- 8:00 Tungsten - highest melting point of any metal
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 5 December 2019
- 9:06 Tracking Pacific golden plovers around the world
- 8:00 Uranium - first radioactive element to be discovered
Thursday, 28 November 2019
- 8:00 Thulium - the most laborious of the lanthanoids
- 8:00 Tin - from whistles to organ pipes & anti-fouling paint
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 28 November 2019
- 9:06 A spotlight on NZ lakes - Lakes380 part 2
- 8:00 Titanium - light, strong & quite pretty
Thursday, 21 November 2019
- 8:00 Thallium - the poisoner's poison
- 9:06 Lakes380 to reveal 1000-year history of lakes - part 1
- 9:06 Our Changing World for 21 November 2019
- 8:00 Thorium - potential source of cleaner nuclear energy
Thursday, 14 November 2019
- 8:00 Tellurium - usually associated with gold
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 14 November 2019
- 9:06 Making Wellington a predator-free city
- 8:00 Terbium - turns up in old TVs & new Euro notes
Thursday, 7 November 2019
- 8:00 Tantalum - a tantalising chemical element
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 7 November 2019
- 9:06 Tracking inner city rats
- 8:00 Technetium - the first synthetic element
Thursday, 31 October 2019
- 8:00 Strontium - from sensitive teeth toothpaste to nuclear fission
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 31 October 2019
- 9:06 Kākā TV - teaching smart parrots new tricks
- 8:00 Sulfur - king of bad smells
Thursday, 24 October 2019
- 8:00 Silicon - a ubiquitous part of modern life
- 8:00 Silver - a popular noble metal
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 24 October 2019
- 9:06 Enemy #1 - brown marmorated stink bug
- 8:00 Sodium - a salt of the earth spectator
Thursday, 17 October 2019
- 8:00 Samarium - magnets for making & listening to music
- 8:00 Scandium - the scandal of the scandium cricket bat
- 9:05 Our Changing World for 17 October 2019
- 9:15 Honour a sweet reward for sugar research
- 9:30 A bridge between science & mātauranga Māori
- 10:30 Top award for making a difference in babies' lives
- 10:30 2019 Research Honours - babies, sugar & Māori science
- 8:00 Selenium - good reason to eat seafood & Brazil nuts