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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Playing favourites with The Dunedin Study’s Richie Poulton
11:05 AM.Professor Richie Poulton, director of the internationally-renowned Dunedin Study, joins Kim Hill to look back on his own life’s developments and play some favourite songs. Read more Audio
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Nick Ascroft: a nearly award-winning word finder
10:45 AM.Poet Nick Ascroft considers one of his claims to fame to be "nearly winning the Kathleen Grattan Prize four times, the most anyone has nearly won it". Which might partly explain why his fifth… Read more Audio
Kris De Decker: 'We need to reduce energy consumption no matter where the energy comes from'
10:05 AM.After 11 years working as a science and tech journalist, Kris De Decker realised that low-tech is actually the way of the future. He's the creator of Low-Tech Magazine - a solar-powered website hosted… Read more Audio
Dorian Llywelyn: miracles on the way to sainthood
9:30 AM.The path to sainthood can be long - as long as a 1000 years. For Meri Hohepa Suzanne Aubert, who died in 1926, that path hit a snag earlier this year when the Vatican Medical Council decided a… Read more Audio
Jamie McLellan: taking New Zealand design to the world
9:05 AM.On Friday 7 October Jamie McLellan won the John Britten Black Pin at the Designers Institute of NZ's Best Design Awards, the most prestigious award on the New Zealand design calendar. Currently based… Read more Audio, Gallery
Roxana Saberi: ‘Iran will never be the same again’
8:10 AM.The headscarves women are required to wear by the Islamic Republic of Iran are now becoming a symbol of defiance. London-based CBS News correspondent Roxana Saberi was born in the United States to an… Read more Audio
Ruby Tui: ‘You learn things at rock bottom’
6:00 PM.New Zealand rugby star Ruby Tui tells Susie Ferguson why she's sharing the rough details of her early life in the new memoir Straight Up. Read more Video, Audio
Listener Feedback
11:55 AM.Saturday Morning listener feedback Audio
Jim Metzner: adventures of a lifelong listener
11:42 AM.Recording the sounds of our planet over four decades, American Jim Metzner is an audio legend. Host and producer of one of the longest running science programmes Pulse of the Planet, Metzner has… Read more Audio, Gallery
Neville Blampied on the role of nutrients in trauma
10:40 AM.Nutritional supplements proven to lower the risk of PTSD should be part of our public health response to disasters such as the Christchurch mosque attacks, says the University of Canterbury psychology… Read more Audio
Leilani Farha: housing is a human right
10:05 AM.This week chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt called out the government on its lack of progress in implementing its Healthy Homes Standards, saying it puts New Zealand in breach of our… Read more Audio
Sam Afoullouss: searching for medicinal secrets in the deep sea
9:40 AM.Descending deep down into the waters off the west coast of Ireland, to where there is no light, underwater chemist Sam Afoullouss has a robot collecting marine organisms in his search for new… Read more Audio, Gallery
Anne Fletcher: the women Antarctica left behind
9:05 AM.Captain Robert Scott's last diary entry, as he lay freezing and starving to death on an ill-fated South Pole journey, concludes: "for God's sake look after our people". Uppermost were the three women… Read more Audio
Dr Amir Khalil and the ‘world’s loneliest elephant’
8:00 AM.Egyptian veterinarian Amir Khalil is widely known as 'the war vet', having spent years rescuing animals from disaster areas and war zones. Read more Video, Audio
Saturday Morning Feedback for 24 September 2022
11:50 AM.Feedback for Saturday Mornings with Kim Hill September 24th Audio
Playing Favourites with RNZ’s Bryan Crump
11:05 AM.After 17 years hosting Nights, RNZ presenter Bryan Crump heads over to our fine music network RNZ Concert this month. He joins Kim Hill to play some favourite songs and chat about his career. Read more Video, Audio, Gallery
Robbie Burton: taking writing above the bushline
10:35 AM.Robbie Burton has been at the helm of independent publishers Potton & Burton since 1990, when it was called Craig Potton Publishing. Having published countless non-fiction titles over the decades… Read more Audio, Gallery
Helen Dew: Carterton’s legendary alternative currency trader
10:05 AM.At 85 years old, Helen Dew is a sustainability legend in Carterton. Read more Audio
Johanna Emeney and Sarah Laing: picturing Auckland’s famous bird lady
9:35 AM.The life and work of Sylvia Durrant, otherwise known as Auckland's Bird Lady, is celebrated in a new book which is part graphic biography part environmental handbook authored by Johanna Emeney and… Read more Audio, Gallery
Prof Daniel Pick: the fascinating history of thought control
9:05 AM.Psychoanalyst and historian Daniel Pick explores the intriguing world of mind-control in his book Brainwashed: A New History of Thought Control. Read more Audio
Toby Manhire: reporting in from the local body campaign trail
8:30 AM.The Spinoff's editor-at-large Toby Manhire has been spending much of his recent time following the highs and lows of the local body election campaigns across the country. Read more Audio
Carlos Dada: freedom of the press under El Salvador authoritarianism
8:10 AM.El Salvador journalist Carlos Dada received the IPI World Press Freedom Hero award this month in the face of continued persecution of the media in central America. Read more Audio
Listener feedback 17 September 2022
11:55 AM.Listener feedback for 17 September 2022. Audio
Zenith Virago: the deathwalker rethinking the way we end life
11:30 AM.'Living well as a practice for dying well' is the subject of deathwalker Zenith Virago's speech on September 23 at the third Death Matters conference in Christchurch. Based in Byron Shire, just north… Read more Audio
Solomon Enos: envisioning a futuristic para-Polynesian society
11:05 AM.Hawaiian artist, illustrator and self-described 'possibilist' Solomon Enos evokes Pacific science fiction and fantasy for his art created in his series across different media Polyfantastica. Read more Audio, Gallery