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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning Feedback from 26 June
12:00 PM.Kim reads listener feedback from the show. Audio
Life’s Big Questions: Nicky Hager and NZ’s role in Five Eyes
11:40 AM.Protein scientist and writer Danyl McLauchlan joins Kim to tackle life's big questions, ideas and thinkers. This week he's discussing the current relevance of Nicky Hager's 1996 book Secret Power in… Read more Audio
Lorin Clarke: celebrating the comedy genius of John Clarke
11:06 AM.The father of modern Kiwi comedy John Clarke is being celebrated in a new online collection launched by NZ On Screen. Clarke's daughter Lorin Clarke, a writer, broadcaster and columnist based in… Read more Audio
Boyd Klap: on being yourself and remembering Anne Frank
10:35 AM.At age 94 Boyd Klap continues to have a remarkable life helping make remarkable things happen. In recent years these have revolved around the memory of Anne Frank. Read more Audio
Edmund Richardson: finding the lost city of Alexandria
10:05 AM.Founded by Alexander the Great, the city of Alexandria sat at an important junction of the southern foothills of the Hindu Kush mountains. And then it vanished. Alexandria, the new book by Dr Edmund… Read more Audio
Francis and Kaiora Tipene: The traditions of tikanga
9:35 AM.The beloved stars of The Casketeers, Francis and Kaiora Tipene, show how the traditions of tikanga shape their lives while juggling five sons, three businesses, and a television show in their new book… Read more Audio
Tim Hume: the rise of the extreme right in Europe
9:07 AM.Over the last 10 years there has been a dramatic rise in far-right movements across Europe. London-based New Zealand journalist Tim Hume has been investigating the rise of these far-right movements… Read more Audio
Alan Merry: making our medical system safer
8:42 AM.Professor Alan Merry is a world leading anaesthetist, and deep thinker about safe surgery on a macro and micro level. Professor Merry says that while New Zealand's health system is pretty safe, it… Read more Audio
Dr Chris Smith: Covid-19 science news
8:12 AM.Our regular commentator Cambridge University consultant clinical virologist Dr Chris Smith joins us with the latest Covid-19 science, and to answer your questions. Read more Audio
Saturday Morning Feedback from 19 June
12:00 PM.Julian reads listener feedback from the show. Audio
Erik Hoel: how our weird dreams could be keeping our brains fit
11:35 AM.Nobody really knows why we dream. Erik Hoel, a research assistant professor of neuroscience at Tufts University in Massachusetts, was inspired by the techniques used to train artificial neural… Read more Audio
Chris Gibson: the surprising environmental impact of guitars
11:05 AM.Musicians often sing about environmental problems, but what about the environmental issues tied up with the materials from which their guitars are made Read more Audio
Sahra Ahmed: from asylum seeker to refugee health hero
10:35 AM.Sahra Ahmed works in Christchurch as a refugee health nurse, helping new arrivals find their footing in a strange new land. It's a journey she has also undertaken. Read more Audio
Jamie Wall: inside rugby’s fierce 100 year rivalry
10:05 AM.In South Africa there's a saying: 'You're not a real Springbok until you've played the All Blacks'. It's a testament to one of the fiercest rivalries in rugby history - that between South Africa and… Read more Audio
Sarah Helm: 50 years on from Nixon’s War On Drugs
9:35 AM.Sarah Helm, the Executive Director of the NZ Drug Foundation, joins the show to discuss how we should be reshaping our drug laws - and in some cases looking at decriminalisation. Read more Audio
Ralph Hope: Whatever happened to the Grey Men?
9:05 AM.When the Berlin Wall came down how did over 100,000 Stasi officers manage to disappear? In his book The Grey Men, former FBI agent Ralph Hope investigates what happened to the former East Berlin… Read more Audio
Elizabeth Stokoe: The art of conversation analysis
8:35 AM.Nineties sitcom Friends has had far-reaching cultural impact over the decades, finding itself at the centre of rolling fashion trends and loads of scholarly analysis. But Elizabeth Stokoe found the… Read more Audio
Alistair Woodward: The rise of the urban light truck
8:12 AM.This week the government announced a levy on new utes to help pay for subsidies for electric vehicles. Four of the top ten best-selling new vehicles in New Zealand in 2020 were double cab utes. Yet… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for Saturday Morning for 12 June 2021
11:59 AM.Listener Feedback for Saturday Morning for 12 June 2021. Audio
Rob Thorne: transcending with taonga puoro
11:40 AM.Taonga puoro practitioner Rob Thorne (Ngati Tumutumu) is known for creating transcendent soundscapes by combining modern looping technology with traditional instruments made from stone, bone, shell… Read more Audio
Anastasia Woolmer: tips from an Australian memory champ
11:05 AM.Anastasia Woolmer is a two times Australian Memory Champion. But she wasn't always blessed with a memory like a steel trap. Read more Audio
Rachel Taulelei: using trade as a tool to combat Covid-19
10:35 AM.Rachel Taulelei is a strong advocate for the unrestricted trade of vaccines and essential medical supplies, as barriers around the import and export of vaccines has been a key issue preventing… Read more Audio
Alex Bezzerides: How evolution went wrong for humans
10:05 AM.We humans have been evolving for millions of years, so why do we still have dodgy knees, crooked teeth and need glasses? Alex Bezzerides looks to answer those questions with his debut book. Read more Audio
Larry Keating: investigating corruption in the Amazon
9:35 AM.Was there a link between the brutal attacks on Sir Peter Blake and Captain Pete Bethune in Brazil? In his new documentary, The Garden of Evil, Larry Keating investigates. Read more Audio
Aaron Lammer: the big cryptocurrency Exit Scam
9:10 AM.When Canadian blockchain whiz Gerald Cotten died under mysterious circumstances while on honeymoon in India, the $215 million on his cryptocurrency exchange, Quadriga, also disappeared. For his new… Read more Audio