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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Janey Godley: Scotland's feuding nationalists
8:40 AM.Scots go to the polls for the Scottish Parliament election on May 6 and the stakes are high as the Scottish National Party aims to control the devolved parliament and make another push for… Read more Video, Audio
Shoba Narayan: India in crisis
8:14 AM.All across India, a trail of death and misery is devastating the country and pushing the overburdened healthcare system towards collapse. Oxygen and medicine are in short supply as the nation deals… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for Saturday Morning 24 April 2021
11:59 AM.Kim Hill reads listener feedback for Saturday Morning 24 April 2021. Audio
Kate's Klassics: Sydney Bridge Upside Down
11:40 AM.Poet and writer Kate Camp returns to discuss another classic work of literature. This week, Sydney Bridge Upside Down. Written by David Ballantyne and published in 1968, it's been described as the… Read more Audio
Michael Baker - Western Australian under 3 day Covid lockdown
11:30 AM.All travel between New Zealand and Western Australia has been paused after a three-day lockdown was announced in Perth and the Peel region. Kim asked epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker about the… Read more Audio
The 'Coffin Confessor' paid to speak up for the dead at funerals
11:05 AM.Bill Edgar is the son of one of Australia's most notorious gangsters, a former street kid, prisoner, sexual abuse survivor and inventor. Now the Queensland private investigator has found fame for… Read more Audio
Jennifer Robinson: fighting for Assange, West Papua and public education
10:05 AM.Australian human rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson has been described as the go-to barrister for London's rich and famous. Standing by her clients Julian Assange and Amber Heard in the full glare of… Read more Audio
Toa Fraser: Life with Young Onset Parkinson's disease
9:45 AM.New Zealand film director Toa Fraser, 46, recently revealed on Twitter that he has Young Onset Parkinson's Disease. "People used to say I look cool. These days, people ask me why I look so serious… Read more Video, Audio
Morris Pearl: The Patriotic Millionaires Movement
9:05 AM.Morris Pearl is chair of the Patriotic Millionaires, a group of hundreds of high-net-worth people who want millionaires, billionaires, and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. Patriotic… Read more Audio
Virologist Dr Chris Smith: Covid science news
8:45 AM.Our regular commentator Cambridge University consultant clinical virologist Dr Chris Smith joins us with the latest Covid-19 science, and to answer your questions. This week, the latest on India's… Read more Audio
Rachel Morris: We are all museum-makers
8:10 AM.Rachel Morris makes actual museums but she says that, in a way, we are all museum-makers as we try to make sense of the chaos of the past. Unpacking boxes of old family stuff from under her bed… Read more Audio
Priestdaddy author Patricia Lockwood releases her debut novel
5:12 PM.Patricia Lockwood's 2017 memoir Priestdaddy was named one of the 10 best books of the year by The New York Times Book Review. She's just released her debut novel No One Is Talking About This, which… Read more Audio
Cal Flyn: Life in the post-human landscape
1:11 PM.Cal Flyn's latest book, Islands of Abandonment: Life in the Post-Human Landscape tells the story of a dozen abandoned places around the world, from Chernobyl to the volcanic Caribbean, and looks… Read more Audio, Gallery
Trish Johansen: Eradicating rabies one village at a time
11:38 AM.After many years running a veterinary clinic in Cambodia, Trish Johansen is on a mission to eradicate rabies. More than 100 years after a rabies vaccine was developed, people are still dying horrible… Read more Audio, Gallery
Terry Wilson: Antarctica's bedrock rising as ice melts
11:09 AM.Terry Wilson is a pioneer in using global positioning systems (GPS) to understand the loss of Antarctic ice. She says Antarctica's bedrock is rising as the ice melts and this will have implications… Read more Audio
Dr Doug Wilson: Navigating Life's Journey in Your Later Years
10:37 AM.Ageing well is not just about longevity, according to medical academic Doug Wilson. It is the art of living well, making the most of the time we have, and finding ways to enhance our happiness and… Read more Audio
Nahaja Black: Why the Bahamas is a haven for sexual predation
10:08 AM.Attitudes to rape and women's rights in the Bahamas make it an ideal hunting ground for an alleged sexual predator, Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard, according to outspoken Bahamian radio host… Read more Audio
Prof David Nutt: Psilocybin at least as useful as antidepressant in UK study
8:12 AM.The psychedelic drug psilocybin, found in magic mushrooms, is as good at reducing symptoms of depression as conventional treatment, a small, early-stage trial has suggested. The study, run by Imperial… Read more Audio
Listener feedback 10 April 2021
11:55 AM.Listener feedback 10 April 2021. Audio
John Cockrem: Little penguins with big problems
11:40 AM."He korora, he tohu oranga: the little penguin is the sign of life". This whakatauki, that the success of korora populations indicates the health of the coastal marine environment, underpins John… Read more Audio, Gallery
Poet Johanna Emeney: exploring the felt realm
11:06 AM.Poet Johanna Emeney says that Felt, her new collection of poems, explores teaching, animals and how emotions and "the things that have hit me hard over the past decade" are felt in the body. Read more Audio
Georgia Rippin: the world of online sex work
10:43 AM.Georgia Rippin (Tainui, Ngati Mahuta) is a New Zealand writer and television producer based in New York where she works on programmes for Netflix and Showtime. Her early productions, including… Read more Audio
John Baker: The search for Stalin's wine cellar
10:06 AM.The hunt for a wine collection believed to have been hidden in a remote Georgian winery during the Second World War is at the centre of a new book, Stalin's Wine Cellar. First owned by Nicholas II… Read more Audio
Darren Byler: Big Brother vs China's Uighurs
9:40 AM.Constant surveillance, cultural suppression and 're-education' are a day-to-day reality for the approximately 12 million Muslim minority Uighur people who live in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of… Read more Audio