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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Virologist Dr Chris Smith: Covid science
9:35 AM.Our regular commentator Cambridge University consultant clinical virologist Dr Chris Smith joins us with the latest Covid-19 science, and to answer your questions. Read more Audio
Jill Nalder: the woman who inspired AIDS drama It's a Sin
9:05 AM.Jill Nalder is a Welsh actress and activist. She is known for her career in theatre as well as her contribution to HIV/AIDS activism. She was the inspiration behind the character Jill Baxter in the… Read more Video, Audio
Anita Lim: DIY at-home smear tests
8:35 AM.Kiwi epidemiologist, Dr Anita Lim is the driving force behind a National Health Service study of do-it-at-home HpV virus swab tests in London. She's targeting areas where up to 50% women are not… Read more Audio
Sally Weintrobe: The psychological roots of the climate crisis
8:10 AM.Psychotherapist Sally Weintrobe thinks most of us have been living in a bubble of denial about the climate crisis. For many the bubble is now bursting, leaving people finding it hard to manage their… Read more Audio
The truth is out there: Top Harvard astronomer believes in extraterrestrial life
5:12 PM.In late 2017, scientists at a Hawaiian observatory glimpsed a strange object soaring through our inner solar system. The object dubbed "Oumuamua" was pancake-shaped, and as big as a football field. It… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for 13 March 2021
11:55 AM.Listener Feedback for 13 March 2021 Audio
Actress & songwriter Chantal Claret
11:50 AM.NZ based American actress & songwriter Chantal Claret, known for her role in the Netflix hit series 'Love' and as lead singer in the band Morningwood, The daughter of art collectors, She grew up in… Read more Video, Audio
Refugee and migrant advocate Dr Zhiyan Basharati
11:05 AM.Dr Zhiyan Basharati is a finalist for the Young New Zealander of the Year Award. She came to New Zealand age 11 after spending her childhood in a Kurdish refugee camp. Now she has a PhD in forensic… Read more Audio
Amanda Symon on protecting Māori rock art
10:38 AM.There are over 700 sites of Māori rock art in Te Wai Pounamu / the South Island – most of it in the limestone-rich areas of North Otago and South Canterbury. Archaeologist Amanda Symon is on a mission… Read more Audio, Gallery
Joey Hoofdman on being secretly fathered by a fertility doctor
10:06 AM.Joey Hoofdman's biological father was Jan Karbaat – a Dutch fertility doctor who inseminated Joey's mother with his own sperm, without her knowledge. Karbaat, who died in 2017, is believed to have… Read more Video, Audio
Jackie Clark and Moeroa Marsters: Surviving domestic abuse
9:30 AM.Her Say is a collection of stories told by New Zealand women who have lived in - and escaped - abusive relationships. Its publication is a long-held dream of Jackie Clark who, in 2013, launched The… Read more Audio
Actor Juliet Stevenson: Pandemic theatre
9:07 AM.British actor Juliet Stevenson narrates Blindness, a major international, socially-distanced theatre experience coming to the Auckland Writers Festival. Blindness is adapted from the novel of the same… Read more Audio
Conspirituality: Alt-health meets alt-right, wellness meets QAnon
5:10 PM.The yoga and "wellness" world has had several high-profile members fall under the influence of QAnon and Covid denial. This intersection between right-wing conspiracy theories and left-wing wellness… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for 6 March 2021
11:55 AM.Listener Feedback for 6 March 2021 Audio
Bidge Smith: Mervyn Thompson vs. Six Angry Women
11:40 AM.Women activists were protesting against all forms of oppression in 1984 when Auckland university lecturer and playwright Mervyn Thompson was kidnapped, beaten and chained to a tree by six women who… Read more Audio
Claire Robinson: Savage Politics
11:05 AM.Author, political commentator and Professor of Communication Design at Massey University, Claire Robinson has now written a play about Aotearoa's first Labour Prime Minister, Michael Joseph Savage… Read more Audio
Isabel Allende: The Soul of A Woman
10:05 AM.Best-selling author Isabel Allende has a brand new book - The Soul of A Woman - a meditation on power, feminism and what it means to be a woman. As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother… Read more Audio
Carl Hart - Drug Use for Grown-ups
9:05 AM.Could the harm that results from recreational drug use and abuse be mostly caused by their criminalisation and demonisation rather than their physical effects? When used responsibly, can drugs can… Read more Audio
Forests reach temperature tipping point
8:40 AM.Dr Katharyn Duffy is an earth systems scientist at Northern Arizona University. Collaborating with a couple of colleagues from New Zealand, she led a study, published in Science Advances, that… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for 27 February 2021
11:55 AM.Listener Feedback for 27 February 2021. Audio
From Patea to Helsinki - circus star returns to Aotearoa
11:45 AM.Thomas Monckton is an award-winning physical theatre and circus performer originally from Patea, South Taranaki. He trained at Christchurch circus school CircoArts, and the physical theatre school… Read more Audio
Janja Lalich: how normal people end up in cults like NXIVM
11:05 AM.Dr Janja Lalich is a professor emeritus in sociology who specialises in cults, extremism, and coercive influence and control and has spent decades helping people escape and recover from such… Read more Audio
Autonomous ship traces passage of the Mayflower
10:35 AM.The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) is a grass-roots initiative lead by the marine research non-profit organisation ProMare and backed by IBM. The MAS spends months at sea collecting data and… Read more Video, Audio
Black Panther artist marks Polynesian Panthers' milestone
10:05 AM.Emory Douglas is an American graphic artist and member of the Black Panther Party from 1967 until the Party disbanded in the 1980s. As a 'revolutionary artist' and the Minister of Culture for the BPP… Read more Audio
Public policy founded on love for future generations
9:35 AM.How would we design, implement and evaluate public policy if it were based on our love for future generations? This is the question at the centre of Dr Girol Karacaoglu's new book Love You: Public… Read more Audio