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Recent items from Saturday Morning
The art of audio description: Judith Jones
10:05 AM.Judith Jones is an expert audio describer, providing verbal descriptions of museum exhibitions and stage performances to people who are blind or with low vision. She works as a host at The Museum of… Read more Audio, Gallery
High intensity training and the brain: David Moreau
9:40 AM.Cognitive neuroscientist Dr David Moreau has been recognised by the Royal Society Te Aparangi Te Kōpūnui with the Early Career Research Excellence Award for Social Sciences. Moreau is a lecturer in… Read more Audio
What Australia can learn from New Zealand: Laura Tingle
8:35 AM.Australia is not well known for casting envious glances across the Tasman. But what can 'the lucky country' learn from us? Laura Tingle is a senior political journalist with the Australian… Read more Audio
Anne Wyllie: developing a cheap Covid-19 saliva test
8:11 AM.Saliva-based Covid-19 tests could have many advantages over current nasal swabs; being potentially cheaper, quicker, easier, and safer for health workers. Recently returned expat New Zealander Dr Anne… Read more Audio
Francesca Goodman-Smith: tackling supermarket food waste
12:55 PM.26 year old Francesca Goodman-Smith is on a mission to tackle New Zealand's food waste problem. Working for Foodstuffs, one of the country's biggest supermarket chains, she's designed an award-winning… Read more Audio
Saturday Morning Feedback
12:00 PM.Kim reads listener feedback from the show. Audio
Cory Newman: Sit Down in Front(man)
11:40 AM.Gisborne punk band "Sit Down In Front" formed in January 2017 and its members are all still in high school. Fronting the four piece is 17-year-old Cory Newman who uses a wheelchair. His energetic live… Read more Video, Audio
Semicolons; the most misunderstood punctuation mark
11:05 AM.Whether you love them, hate them, or just don't know when to use them; the semicolon can be a divisive and contentious punctuation mark. That's what historian, Cecelia Watson discovered when she spent… Read more Audio
Ben Lowings: unsung Pacific explorer David Lewis
10:30 AM.David Lewis might be the greatest explorer you've never heard of. Born in England in 1917, but raised in New Zealand and Rarotonga, Lewis' exploits included climbing 19 South Island peaks, kayaking… Read more Audio
Iris Eichenberg: medals for healthcare workers on the pandemic front line
10:05 AM.The Hand Medal Project was devised by friends and artists Iris Eichenberg and Jimena Ríos to thank medical staff and caregivers for the sacrifices they were making to treat people infected with… Read more Audio
Dr Chris Smith: Finish line in sight for COVID-19 vaccine race
9:40 AM.A third promising COVID-19 vaccine candidate has released promising trial results this week. To weigh up the pros and cons of the various vaccine candidates is Dr Chris Smith. Chris is a consultant… Read more Audio
Sir Michael and Mike Parkinson: Like Father, Like Son
9:05 AM.In his prime, Sir Michael Parkinson's eponymous UK TV talk show attracted more than 8 million viewers a week, making 'Parky' a household name. In Like Father, Like Son: A Family Story Sir Michael… Read more Audio
Alex Burns: Is Trump preparing to leave the White House?
8:10 AM.More than three weeks on from election day, there are signs that Donald Trump is moving towards acceptance that he has lost. So how will the transition process work from here. Alex Burns is the… Read more Audio
Can dogs learn language?
5:10 PM.Shany Dror is a PhD student based in Hungary and the driving force behind the Genius Dog Challenge. Read more Audio
WATCH: Dolly Parton speaks to RNZ's Kim Hill
3:03 PM.The legendary singer, songwriter, actor, author, and humanitarian Dolly Parton is 75 years old and presides over a multi-million dollar music, entertainment and philanthropic empire.Her book… Read more Video, Audio
Diane Stoppard: Whangarei's giant pinhole camera
11:43 AM.Diane Stoppard is a photographer who is leading the $1 million Camera Obscura project in Whangarei. It's a giant walk-in pinhole camera clad in decorative steel. Read more Audio
Hirini Kaa: Te Hahi Mihinare
11:05 AM.Historian, Anglican minister, TV presenter and social commentator Dr Hirini Kaa (Ngati Porou, Ngati Kahungunu and Rongowhakaata) has long been interested in the engagement and the interaction between… Read more Audio
Colin Maclaren: The Man On The Island
10:45 AM.Colin Maclaren is the central figure in a new locally produced documentary The Man On The Island. The island in question is Rakino (population: 19), 2 kilometres long and 1 kilometre wide, and 22… Read more Video, Audio
Kirsten Johnson: Dick Johnson is Dead
10:06 AM.Cinematographer and director Kirsten Johnson was afraid of losing her father to dementia, so she got in first, killing him off in imaginative and comical ways in her new film Dick Johnson is Dead. Read more Video, Audio
Doug Wilson: Learning to live older
9:42 AM.Medical academic, former pharmaceutical executive, and author of Ageing For Beginners, Doug Wilson's back, reporting in from the other side of 80. This week, like many other life stage transitions… Read more Audio
A World History of Bluff: Dr Michael Stevens
8:42 AM.Ngai Tahu historian Dr Michael Stevens specialises in the history of Awarua (Bluff), a key Ngai Tahu settlement. Read more Audio
Golriz Ghahraman: finding her place in Aotearoa
9:38 AM.Iranian-born Golriz Ghahraman arrived in New Zealand with her parents as a 9-year-old. In 2017 she made history when she became the first New Zealand MP with a refugee background. She studied human… Read more Audio
Listener feedback from 14 November 2020
11:55 AM.Listener feedback from 14 November 2020. Audio
Kathy Baughman McLeod: naming heat waves like hurricanes
11:45 AM.Kathy Baughman McLeod is Director and Senior Vice President of the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center at the international affairs think tank, The Atlantic Council. Working on the… Read more Audio