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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Ahead of the Abuse in Care apology
7:30 AM.The government will formally apologise to survivors of Abuse in Care next week. One of them, Keith Wiffin explains what he thinks about the upcoming apology. Read more Audio
Heavy rain warnings for the West Coast
7:26 AM.Orange heavy rain warnings are in place for Westland and the Grey and Buller Districts today. RNZ reporter Adam Burns gives the latest on the weather. Read more Audio
US Election: The latest and what it means for New Zealand
7:10 AM.After a campaign marked with heated rhetoric and quite stark ideological differences between the candidates, in the end, Donald Trump won decisively. Read more Audio
Listener feedback
12:00 PM.Saturday morning listener feedback Audio
Activism through art: Diane Prince
11:40 AM.Activist and artist Diane Prince is a woman of many talents. She is a painter, weaver, installation artist, set designer and educator. Read more Audio, Gallery
Michael Belgrave: telling the whole history
11:05 AM.Massey University historian Professor Michael Belgrave has published the first major national history of Aoteaora New Zealand in 20 years. Read more Audio
Tairawhiti: Pine, Profit and the Cyclone
10:35 AM.The effects of Cyclone Gabrielle are still being felt around Te Tai Rawhiti. The impact forestry has had on the environment, economy and the people on the East Coast is more apparent than ever. The… Read more Audio, Gallery
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Patrick Ness: Teenage talk is filthy
10:05 AM.Double Carnegie medal-winning author Patrick Ness is one of the world's most loved young adult writers. Patrick's latest book is his first for junior readers. Chronicles of a Lizard Nobody is a… Read more Audio
Tsunami awareness
9:40 AM.Volcanologist and GNS principal scientist Graham Leonard shares everything you need to know about tsunamis ahead of the upcoming UN World Tsunami Awareness Day. Read more Audio
Climate vs Power - the carbon footprint of geopolitics
9:10 AM.One of the world's leading scholars of geopolitics, Gerard Toal examines how interstate rivalry and competition so often undermine efforts to address climate change. Read more Audio
Acing adventure racing
8:30 AM.Nathan Fa'avae and Sophie Hart are part of New Zealand's most successful adventure racing team, and won the Yukon 1000 this year. Read more Audio
The inexact science of polling
8:10 AM.Americans go to the polls on the 5th of November to pick Kamala Harris or Donald Trump as their next president. What are the polls saying? Read more Audio
Learning to play
7:50 AM.Playing is an essential part of childhood. But in the era of devices and screen time, are tamariki missing out on play? Read more Audio
The end of Flybuys
7:42 AM.The country's longest-running rewards scheme, Flybuys, is coming to an end. No new points can be collected, but you can still redeem the ones you have. Read more Audio
The right to jury trials
7:32 AM.The number of criminal trials held in front of a jury could be reduced in a bid to speed-up the judicial system and save money. Read more Audio
Protecting biological diversity
7:20 AM.The UN Convention on Biological Diversity, known as COP16, has just wrapped up. Governments and other interested parties have reaffirmed the commitment made two years ago - to protect a third of the… Read more Audio
The race for the White House
7:10 AM.It's been a rollercoaster US presidential campaign. Associated Press correspondent Phillip Crowther talks about what it's been like. Read more Audio
Saturday Lunch with Two Raw Sisters
11:45 AM.Margo and Rosa Flanagan are known as the Two Raw Sisters, spending their days developing recipes with a focus on plant based, whole foods, that make you feel great. Read more Audio
Tuahiwi Marae, the story behind the headlines
11:22 AM.My Marae - Professor Te Maire Tau talks to Susie about Christchurch's Tuahiwi marae and its history. Read more Audio
Geeking out with Craig Parker
11:05 AM.Craig Parker has spent his career playing villains with great hair, lycans, gladiators, and even the greatest lover in a French Court. Read more Audio
Carving out a better life
10:35 AM.Former gang member Sully Paea has dedicated decades to youth work and taught himself how to carve vaka during the pandemic. Read more Audio
Dr Nick Oscroft: Addressing men's health issues
10:05 AM.Dr Nick Oscroft joins Mihi and Susie to answer questions about men's health. Read more Audio
Hinemoa Elder: Dear Moko
9:35 AM.Child and adolescent psychiatrist, Dr Hinemoa Elder, talks about her new book Dear Moko full of Māori proverbs for mokopuna and descendants of all ages. Read more Audio
Kate Weinberg: Finding the funny side of invisible illness
9:05 AM.Author Kate Weinberg has adapted her personal ordeal of living with long Covid into a funny and philosophical novel There's Nothing Wrong With Her. Read more Audio
Engineering solutions for earthquakes and neonatal health care
8:40 AM.A mechanical engineering expert, Distinguished Professor Geoff Chase is renowned for his pioneering work in both healthcare and seismic engineering. Read more Audio