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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Ruth Shaw - Manapouri's "Two Wee Bookshops"
9:30 AM.Ruth Shaw has lived life on the high seas, worked with sex-workers in Sydney's infamous King's Cross, and spent decades fighting for the environment. She and her husband Lance spent 16 years operating… Read more Audio, Gallery
Dr. Kari Nadeau: fighting to end food allergies
9:05 AM.Thousands of New Zealanders live in fear that a peanut could kill them or their child. Food allergies result in huge personal and societal costs and they are on the rise, with the rate of milk and… Read more Audio
Chris Smith: Covid-19 Q and A
8:30 AM.Cambridge University consultant clinical virologist Dr Chris Smith returns to answer questions about the emerging science around the novel coronavirus pandemic. This week: Sweden's state… Read more Audio
How does cannabis use affect New Zealanders' health?
8:10 AM.As the general election draws closer, so too does a referendum on legalising cannabis. The issue has long been debated, often on moral or political grounds rather than scientific. Professor Richie… Read more Audio
Professor Elizabeth Loftus: how memory is made
4:55 PM.Professor Elizabeth Loftus is an authority on the power and limitations of human memory - but her ideas about the accuracy of our memories and the shortcomings of eyewitness evidence have proved… Read more Audio
Listener Feedback for Saturday 30th May
11:59 AM.Listener Feedback for Saturday 30th May Audio
Pete Paphides: playing favourites
11:05 AM.British journalist, author and music lover Pete Paphides' new book "Broken Greek" is a memoir of his childhood and the important role music played in it. Paphides' parents arrived broke in Birmingham… Read more Audio
Mary Kisler: artists' gardens
10:40 AM.Can a garden be an artistic medium? Curator and writer Mary Kisler examines the gardens of three well-known artists- Cedric Morris, Derek Jarman and Andy Goldsworthy- to see what we can learn about… Read more Audio, Gallery
Architect Judi Keith-Brown: the future of NZ homes
9:40 AM.Staying home during lockdown has made New Zealanders intimately aware of our houses features and flaws. Wellington architect Judi Keith-Brown is the newly appointed President of The New Zealand… Read more Audio
The Assistant shines light on post #MeToo world
9:05 AM.Director of The Assistant Kitty Green says her new movie is much more than a portrayal of sexual harassment in the wake of disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein's prosecution. Read more Video, Audio
Chris Smith - Covid-19 - testing and treatment
8:30 AM.Consultant clinical virologist Dr Chris Smith returns to answer questions about the emerging science around the novel coronavirus pandemic. This week, the WHO suspends clinical trials of… Read more Audio
Evan Osnos - US/ China relationship dangerously unstable
8:10 AM.What does the deteriorating state of the US's relationship with China mean for the two countries, and for the rest of the world? Could the added stress of the Covid-19 pandemic tip an already fragile… Read more Audio
'The Wire' creator David Simon: 'America finds itself in a very ugly place'
1:05 PM.The Wire is regarded as one of the best drama series ever made, and a herald of the new golden age of television. Its creator and showrunner David Simon started his working life as a journalist at The… Read more Audio
Doug Wilson: how older people are feeling about the pandemic
11:35 AM.Doug Wilson is back to report from the front lines of ageing. This week he's talking about the impact Covid-19 is having on older people. From the positives of a rise in contact and help from… Read more Audio
Photographer Judith Crispin: exposing life and death
11:05 AM.Since 2011, Australian poet, writer and photographer Judith Nangala Crispin has spent part of each year living and working with Warlpiri people in the Northern Australian Tanami desert. Her work… Read more Audio, Gallery
Ian Wedde on his new novel "The Reed Warbler"
10:35 AM.Fiction writer, critic, essayist, art curator and former NZ Poet Laureate, Ian Wedde has a new book out. The Reed Warbler is his eighth novel and is being billed as a masterpiece. A work of fiction… Read more Audio
Virologist Dr Chris Smith - Covid-19 antibody testing and the vaccine race
10:05 AM.Consultant clinical virologist at Cambridge University Dr Chris Smith returns to answer questions and examine and explain the latest news and science around Covid-19. This week: the hunt for a… Read more Audio
Wendy McCulloch: Kiwi vet helping New York pets
9:45 AM.Before becoming a vet, New Zealander Wendy McCulloch worked as a caterer for some of the biggest acts in music, including Tina Turner and the Rolling Stones. Now based in New York, she's been offering… Read more Audio
Robert Fisk: reporting from the frontline
8:10 AM.Journalist Robert Fisk has spent the past 40 years living in war zones, covering conflict in the Middle East. He's dedicated to being on the ground and on the frontlines, and this commitment has… Read more Video, Audio
Listener Feedback for 23 May
8:00 AM.Feedback from the show. Audio
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Toby Ord - What is the greatest threat to humanity?
3:00 PM.At the same time as the Covid-19 pandemic began sweeping the world Australian moral philosopher Toby Ord released his book calculating the possibility of the end of humanity. In The Precipice he… Read more Audio
Peter Warner: 'Lord of The Flies' rescuer
11:45 AM.Peter Warner is part of an extraordinary story that made global headlines over the past week, despite it being decades old. It's the tale of a real life 'Lord of the Flies' scenario, six Tongan boys… Read more Audio
Barbara Ewing on her coming of age memoir
11:06 AM.New Zealand actor and novelist Barbara Ewing has written a memoir about life as a young woman in Wellington and Auckland in the 1950s and early 1960s, before she headed off to study in London. One… Read more Audio
Keke Brown: disability as artistry
10:40 AM.Pelenakeke (Keke) Brown has recently returned to Aotearoa after being based in NYC for six years. An interdisciplinary artist, her work spans art, writing, and performance. She's become the interim… Read more Audio
In defence of bats: disease ecologist Jonathan Epstein
10:08 AM.Widely blamed for being a disease vector in the spread of the novel coronavirus, bats have a bit of a PR problem at the moment. It's resulted in overzealous individuals burning their colonies, and… Read more Audio