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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Johanna Knox: lockdown food foraging
11:05 AM.Woodland warrior and seasoned forager Johanna Knox has been taking some value added walks around her neighbourhood in the lockdown. Read more Audio
Andrew Solomon: depression, anxiety and the virus
10:35 AM."It's not that an antidepressant will make people unafraid of this mysterious and awful virus, nor that a single hug will mitigate their profound aloneness, but they can help." Writer, journalist and… Read more Audio
Peter de Jager: overcoming the Y2K crisis
10:10 AM.Covid-19 isn't the first time the world has needed to rally together to mitigate a potential global catastrophe. Twenty years ago armies of computer programmers worked for years to prevent vital… Read more Audio
Chris Smith: Virologist on latest Covid-19 science
9:35 AM.As New Zealand chafes under what could be last few days of its Level 4 lockdown, Dr Chris Smith returns to digest the week's scientific happenings. A consultant clinical virologist at Cambridge… Read more Audio
Ann Patchett: The Dutch House author
9:05 AM.The US novelist Ann Patchett received the 2002 PEN/Faulkner Award and the Orange Prize for Fiction for her novel Bel Canto. She's also writes non-fiction and the latest of her eight novels, The Dutch… Read more Audio
Philippe Sands: The Ratline
8:30 AM.Law professor and barrister Philippe Sands has appeared in some high profile international human rights trials involving the likes of Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet, and the wars and… Read more Audio
Katy Watson: Brazil and coronavirus
8:10 AM.While the USA might be the current epicentre of the Covid-19 outbreak, another country headed by a strongman leader is grappling with its effects too. Brazil has had nearly 30,000 cases of the virus… Read more Audio
Gregory O'Brien: poetry in isolation
11:40 AM.Could all this isolation be sparking a flowering of the nation's poetic creativity?! Certainly if the Saturday Morning inbox (sample size: 1) is any guide there's never been such an outpouring of… Read more Audio
Tangaroa Walker: dairy farming during lockdown
11:30 AM.Southland contract milker Tangaroa Walker is a popular social media presence with his Facebook page Farm 4 Life, where he posts educational and earthy videos of daily life on a dairy farm. He's also… Read more Video, Audio
Trent Dalton: 'This is a very, very interesting time for all of us'
11:10 AM.It was a conversation with his wife over ham and cheese toasties that kicked off Tales from the Bunker - Australian writer Trent Dalton's weekly column about the power of the human spirit in these… Read more Audio
Ken Burns: doco director's epic histories
10:10 AM.American documentary maker Ken Burns is best known for his sweeping, epic historical documentary series including The Civil War (1990), Jazz (2001), The War (2007), Prohibition (2011), The Roosevelts… Read more Audio
Whaitiri Poutawa: the kapa haka teacher with a worldwide online audience
9:30 AM.Kapa haka teacher Whaitiri Poutawa loves his job and had a "mini freak-out" when the Level-4 lockdown was announced and he couldn't visit schools. To keep contributing, he's taken his funny, energetic… Read more Video, Audio
Chris Smith: COVID-19 science
9:10 AM.Dr Chris Smith, consultant clinical virologist at Cambridge University and one of BBC Radio 5 Live's Naked Scientists, is back with the latest science about COVID-19 and its spread. Among the topics… Read more Audio
Colin Thubron: travel writing off the beaten track
8:35 AM.The acclaimed travel writer and novelist Colin Thubron was due to arrive in New Zealand for the Auckland Writers' Festival next month. He's been here before, travelling around the North and South… Read more Audio
Amy Goldstein: COVID-19 in the Land of the Free
8:15 AM.After forging a destructive path through Asia and Europe, COVID-19 has taken hold in the US: the country's transmission numbers have rapidly outstripped previous hotspots like China, Italy and Spain… Read more Audio
Kate Camp: literature for the lockdown
11:45 AM.When you tire of crashing Houseparty, of DIY hair styling, of panic-buying flour, and of video-calling every last person you know, how about a good book!? Read more Audio
Steph Miller: new short film Rat Man
11:30 AM.Steph Miller is a filmmaker based in Wellington. Her film Rat Man (co-directed and co-produced with Belle Gwilliam) tells the story of Daryl, a reclusive ex convict who becomes the toast of his… Read more Audio
Mary Kisler: art and museums online
11:10 AM.This week the curator and art historian Mary Kisler has been visiting Monet's garden and the collections of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao without leaving home. Read more Audio, Gallery
Dr Diana and Mark Kopua: Maori mental health
10:40 AM.What would mental health care look like if it took te ao Maori as its foundation? Psychiatrist Dr Diana Kopua and her husband Mark have been on a mission to answer that question. Read more Audio
Jane Patterson: government messaging in the Covid crisis
10:12 AM.RNZ's political editor Jane Patterson has been watching and assessing the government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, and how it's navigating the country through the realities and tensions of… Read more Audio
Greg Woods: marble racing commentator
9:50 AM.Greg Woods is helping to turn the newly fashionable, socially distant sport of marble racing into a global phenomenon. Read more Video, Audio
Chris Smith: coronavirus science latest
9:15 AM.Dr Chris Smith, consultant clinical virologist at Cambridge University and one of BBC Radio 5 Live's Naked Scientists, is back with the latest science about COVID-19 and its spread. Read more Audio
Dr Michael Mosley: the secrets of a good night's sleep
8:35 AM.He's explored intermittent fasting, Type 2 diabetes and the state of your insides - now the science journalist, TV presenter and bestselling author Dr Michael Mosley wants to help you sleep better… Read more Audio
India's 1.3 billion person lockdown
8:15 AM.India, the world's second biggest country, has gone into lockdown mode for three weeks over the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more Audio
Kim's intro for Saturday 4 April 2020
8:00 AM.Kim Hill's intro to Saturday's show. Audio