Navigation for Sunday Morning

Sunday for 4 May 2008

8:12 Insight Tonga

Insight visits the semi-feudal Kingdom of Tonga. The recent elections there have signaled that the pro-democracy movement is alive and well. But political reform remains two years away and some are impatient for change. What does the immediate future hold for the tiny country which is struggling to find a common way forward?
Produced by Richard Pamatatau.

8:40 Feature interview: The new Chief Ombudsman

Beverley Wakem talks to Chris Laidlaw about her job ensuring citizens have access to justice and information.
Produced by Christine Cessford

9:05 Mediawatch

New Zealand cartooning has a long and honorable history, with world class artists who have made a mark overseas as well as here at home. But what is the state of the art in New Zealand now? A working cartoonist tells us he thinks the scene is in good health; but a veteran observer of the art has his doubts. We also look at a documentary which revealed the media circus surrounding VC-winner Willie Apiata - and we hear some unwanted advice from our TV weather presenters.
Produced and presented by Colin Peacock.

9:30 Feature interview: Under African Skies

Jo and Gareth Morgan talk to Chris Laidlaw about their adventures while motorcycling through Africa.
Produced by Christine Cessford

9:55 Notes from the South

Dougal Stevenson in Dunedin, with an anecdotal viewpoint.
Produced by Christine Cessford

10:06 The Sunday Group

The Child Poverty Action Group report: 'Left Behind: How social and income inequalities damage New Zealand children.'

Chris Laidlaw chairs a panel that includes: Report editor Donna Wynd; former Commissioner for Children Dr Ian Hassall; and CPAG health spokesperson Dr Nikki Turner.
Produced by Christine Cessford

10:30 Hidden Treasures

Each week Trevor Reekie takes you on a trip that seeks out musical gems from niche markets around the globe, the latest re-releases and interesting sounds from the shallow end of the bit stream. This week Trevor takes us on an eclectic tiki tour that touches upon one of the great rock 'n' roll classics, a Welsh youngster who is storming the global charts as we speak, and a bunch of fallen angels who have a formula for walking a tightrope.
Produced by Trevor Reekie

10:45 Feedback.

What the listeners have to say.

11:05 Ideas Happiness. Part One.

Money can't buy you happiness, so they say, but will it necessarily make you unhappy? We examine the link between consumption, wealth, and happiness, and ask; if you have a lot of money, how good does it feel?
Presented by Chris Laidlaw
Produced by Justin Gregory
Ideas is repeated just after the 1am news on Friday morning.