Navigation for Sunday Morning

Sunday for 21 June 2009

8:12 Insight: Babes in Childcare

Insight this morning investigates the issue of putting very young children in to child care. Do babies and toddlers do better in the care of a parent or is it the quality of care, not who's giving it, that matters more?
Written and presented by Penny MacKay
Produced by Sue Ingram

8:40 Feature interview: Securing Globalisation

Does globalisation promote security in the world, or lead to more insecurity? Some experts argue globalisation assists peace because it results in the spread of democracy and technological advances which bring the world closer together. Others say the opposite - that globalisation provokes conflict over trade, and enables criminal and terrorist networks. James Mittelman, professor of International Affairs at the American University, Washington DC, explores the debate with Chris Laidlaw.

9:05 Mediawatch

Mediawatch this week notes the passing of Colin Moore, a journalist from the old school who wrote passionately about the outdoors and also about his own struggle with depression. We also look an unusual show of support for a popular local newspaper reporter; why some journalists need to brush up on geography; and why it's not always necessary to pay for a real estate advert in the paper if you're selling a nice house.
Produced and presented by Colin Peacock and Jeremy Rose.

9:30 Feature interview: Poetry of James K Baxter

Poet Sam Hunt says that James K Baxter used to have drawers where he'd put things, and he'd call a good poem a top-drawer poem. Sam has chosen his 50 favourite poems from Baxter's top drawer - verses he has recited around the country for more than 40 years, and brought them together in a new book. He tells Chris Laidlaw about Baxter's influence on his life and work.

James K Baxter, Christchurch, 1948Sam Hunt

James K Baxter, Christchurch, 1948 (Image from Private Collection), and Sam Hunt (right).

'James K. Baxter Poems. Selected and Introduced by Sam Hunt.' Published by Auckland University Press.

9:55 Notes from the South

Dougal Stevenson from Dunedin, where the sky seems to be falling.

10:06 The Sunday Group: The Child Discipline Law at Work

Exactly two years ago today we saw a law change which banned the physical punishment of children. Section 59 of the Crimes Act was amended to remove the defence of parents using 'reasonable force' to punish a child. Now the country faces a citizens-initiated referendum which its supporters hope will see the change reversed. But how has the law worked up to now?
Chris Laidlaw chairs a panel that includes: The Green MP responsible for the law change, Sue Bradford; Larry Baldock, leader of The Kiwi Party, who is behind the referendum; and Beth Wood, a long-time campaigner against the physical punishment of children and founder of the lobby group Epoch (End Physical Punishment of Children).

10:40 Hidden Treasures

Each week Trevor Reekie takes you on a trip that seeks out musical gems from niche markets around the globe, the latest re-releases and interesting sounds from the shallow end of the bit stream. This week Trevor previews new music from 73-year-old trumpet player Harry Beckett, Auckland-based band The Bads and UK guitarist Justin Adams' new collaboration with one of Gambia's master musicians.
Produced by Trevor Reekie

10:55 Feedback.

What you, the listeners, say on the ideas and issues that have appeared in the programme.

11:05 Ideas: Instability in Iran

With the on-going protests in Iran over the disputed election results, Ideas dedicates the hour to to some analysis of what's going on in the country and in particular what the long-term effects might be on Iran's nuclear ambitions and regional stability. Featuring: The executive director of the Trans Atlantic Institute - and author of 'Under a Mushroom Cloud: Europe, Iran and the Bomb' - Emmanuele Ottolenghi, and; Auckland University political science lecturer Maria Rublee author of the recently published 'Nonproliferations Norms: Why States Choose Nuclear Restraint'.
Presented by Chris Laidlaw
Produced by Jeremy Rose