Sunday Morning for Sunday 15 May 2011
Sunday for 15 May 2011
8:12 Insight: Pike River - Six Months On
Insight goes back to the West Coast to gauge how the community is faring six months after the Pike River mine tragedy.
Written and presented by Gay Cavill
Produced by Philippa Tolley
8:40 Jay Winter - A Study of Silence
Jay Winter is a professor of history at Yale University, and a specialist on World War I and its impact on the 20th century. His study into silence started with the remembrance of the silencing of the guns of WWI each November 11 - Armistice Day. He talks to Chris about aspects of silence - how it can be coerced; lethal silence; the silence within families; silence as the appropriate language for spiritual contemplation; silence as a form of resistance; the right to silence; and silence as a way of speaking without saying a word.
9:06 Mediawatch
Mediawatch looks at the feeding frenzy in the media this week over the release of a new fatty fast food snack, and how that raised questions about advertisers spoonfeeding stories to the news media. Mediawatch also asks why Radio New Zealand is cutting its current Maori news service, looks at how journalist Jon Stephenson is standing up for his reputation, and picks out a couple of recent mathematical mess-ups by the media.
Produced and presented by Colin Peacock and Jeremy Rose.
9:40 Bob Harvey - Surf Heroes
Bob Harvey has been saving lives in the surf since he was 15 and now, 55 years later, he's the President of Surf Life Saving New Zealand - and still saving lives on Karekare Beach, west of Auckland. Bob has edited a book celebrating 100 years of SLSNZ and talks to former surf life saver Chris Laidlaw about the dramas and triumphs of those who volunteer their spare time to rescue others who get in trouble in the water.
10:06 Tadesse Meskela and Justin Purser - Cost of Coffee
Tadesse Meskela is the manager of the Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-operative Union of Ethiopia. He represents 74,000 coffee farmers as he travels the world meeting coffee buyers who will pay his farmers a better price than that set by the international commodities exchange. Tadesse and Justin Purser, Food Manager for Trade Aid Importers, talk to Chris about the extreme poverty suffered by coffee growers and their families - and how the international market keeps their income down, while pushing up the cost for consumers.
Link to 'Black Gold: A film about coffee and trade'
Justin Purser's blog
10.40 Notes from the South with Dougal Stevenson
Dougal ponders a public case of agalmatophilia that ended in rejection, and arrest.
10:45 Hidden Treasures
This week, Trevor Reekie highlights local singer-songwriter Miriam Clancy who has just won an APRA professional development award for her album 'Magnetic'; and celebrates the birthday of English composer, producer and intellectual Brian Eno.
Produced by Trevor Reekie
11.05 Ideas: Battle for the hearts, minds and UN votes of Pacific Island states
The Arab League has pledged US$50 million in aid to South Pacific nations and plans to open an office in the region, Cuba is offering Pacific Islanders scholarships to the Havana medical school, Luxembourg was recently granted observer status to the Melanesian Spearhead Group, and the United States has declared it's in competition with China for strategic influence in the region. Ideas explores the growing competition for the hearts and minds, and some might say UN votes, of Pacific Island nations with: Izzat Abdulhadi, Palestine's ambassador to Australia and New Zealand; Israeli ambassador Shemi Tzur; Cuban ambassador Jose Luis Robaina Garcia; Victoria University China scholar Marc Lanteigne; and senior lecturer in Pacific studies at the University of Auckland Steven Ratuva.
Presented by Chris Laidlaw
Produced by Jeremy Rose
11.55 Feedback
What you, the listeners, say on the ideas and issues that have appeared in the programme.