Sunday Morning for Sunday 2 February 2014
8:12 Insight Fracking, Fossil Fuels and Friction
As expectations of an oil boom in the North Island grow, so too does the conflict between those who stand to gain from it and the rural communities unhappy at living side-by-side with petroleum industry activities. For some, the drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, activities that mine oil and natural gas from far below the Earth's surface offer employment, opportunity and wealth. But for those in rural areas where the exploration is taking place literally in their backyards, there is fear their own little slice of Godzone is being turned into a living hell.
Benedict Collins visits Dannevirke and Taranaki to find out more.
Produced by Philippa Tolley.
8:40 Heather Hill – Dolphin Hunt
Heather Hill is a volunteer for Dolphin Project, a group dedicated to saving dolphins. She’s in the Japanese town of Taiji where the annual dolphin hunt is underway and hundreds of dolphins are slaughtered or sold to aquariums around the world.
9:06 Mediawatch
Mediawatch looks at the media love-in for Lorde, and the return of the daily TV current affairs shows this week. Also: Comedians skewering straight-laced cricket commentary with the blessings of the powers that be; and a foreign journalist unhappy with the way his work appeared here.
Produced and presented by Colin Peacock and Jeremy Rose.
9:40 Richard Westlake – Business in Iran
New Zealand-based Richard Westlake’s business is helping organisations to run their own business well. He’s been working with Iranian banks which are locked out of the international finance system as part of sanctions against their country, forcing people back into a cash economy.
10:06 Ideas Boy for Rent
Prostitution is regarded as the world’s oldest profession and one which has traditionally been the domain of women. Today, it is common to also find men selling sexual services – particularly gay men – and rather than a job they have been forced into, for many it is viewed as a legitimate career choice. In this BBC World documentary, reporter Mobeen Azhar investigates London’s male escort scene. Some listeners may find parts of this programme distasteful.
Produced by Richard Fenton-Smith
11:05 Down the List
Labour and National have launched into election year with promises about education and child support – but there’s suspicion that they are hijacking each other’s policies.
Down the List is written by Dave Armstrong and produced by Adam Macaulay and Duncan Smith from the RNZ Drama Department.
11:12 David Agus – Live Long and Live Well
David Agus is an American physician and a co-founder of Navigenics, a personal genetic testing company, and founder of an online cancer resource. He is a Professor of Medicine and Engineering at the University of Southern California, and the author of The End of Illness and A Short Guide to a Long Life.
11:40 Wayne Brittenden’s Counterpoint
Last Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of a movie that many critics believe to be one of the funniest ever made. Dr Strangelove nevertheless had a serious point to make about the high risks entailed in nuclear command and control systems. Wayne takes a look at the film’s essential truths, and Richard follows up with Dr Tilman Ruff, Co-Chair of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear Weapons.