22 Feb 2015

Ragen Chastain - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

From Sunday Morning, 9:40 am on 22 February 2015

Ragen Chastain Splits on Wallstreet supplied
Ragen Chastain does the splits on Wall Street. Photo: Substantia Jones for the Adipositivity Project.

Self-described size diversity activist, Los Angeles-based Ragen Chastain is a writer, blogger and professional choreographer and is in training to be an ironman athlete. She's also had to face fat shamers – people who have a negative view of larger people.

She talks to Wallace Chapman.

Ragen documents her experiences in her blogs Dances With Fat and Iron Fat and her book Fat: The Owners Manual - Navigating a Thin-Obsessed World with Your Health, Happiness and Sense of Humor Intact.

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