19 Jul 2015

Cynthia Enloe - Women and War

From Sunday Morning, 10:40 am on 19 July 2015

cynthia enloeFeminist writer Professor Cynthia Enloe discusses the role of women in international politics and how many of their personal strategies - in marriage, in housework, in dealing with ideals of beauty - are also the stuff of global politics.

She also talks to Wallace Chapman about how foreign armies affect local populations during both war and peace, and their different impacts on men and women.

Cynthia Enloe is a Research Professor of International Development, Community, and Environment at Clark University in Massachusetts, US, and a former Director of the University’s Women Studies programme.

She will deliver a lecture 'Syria, Ukraine, the Pacific: What Feminist Investigations Reveal About Current Militarizations' at Lecture Theatre 4, Owen G. Glen Building (260-073) the University of Auckland on Thursday 23 July at 5pm.

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