16 Aug 2015

Harko Brown - Ngā Taonga Tākaro

From Sunday Morning, 10:10 am on 16 August 2015
Ki-o-rahi. View through Te Ara.

Ki-o-rahi. View through Te Ara. Photo: RNZ/Maraea Rakuraku

A traditional ki-o-rahi ball.

A traditional ki-o-rahi ball. Photo: Sossos (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Harko Brown is organising the New Zealand team for the World Indigenous Games to be held in Brazil at the end of October. New Zealand is sending a team of 50, including 20 rangatahi chosen for their involvement in traditional Māori games.

It's no ordinary sports competition – team members will be performing kapa haka, weaving and taking part in korero with other indigenous peoples, as well as demonstrating a number of ngā taonga tākaro (traditional Māori games (pdf)) which reflect Māori philosophies and values.

Wallace Chapman talks to Harko Brown about the event.

More about ki-o-rahi