13 Sep 2015

Melinda Tankard Reist - Impact of Sexualised Imagery

From Sunday Morning, 8:38 am on 13 September 2015
Melinda Tankard Reist

Melinda Tankard Reist Photo: Supplied

Is media and popular culture fuelling international sex trafficking? Author and advocate against the sexual exploitation of women and children Melinda Tankard Reist believes so.

Reist is the co-founder of Collective Shout – a campaigning movement which exposes organisations and corporates that objectify women and sexualise girls in order to sell products or services. She is in New Zealand on behalf of TEAR Fund – an international aid organisation that works to combat human trafficking – to speak about how sexualisation fuels sex trafficking, and also interferes with the physical development of youth.

Wallace Chapman asks her just what is sex trafficking and how big is the problem?

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