22 Nov 2015

We Need to Talk About ISIS

From Sunday Morning, 7:08 am on 22 November 2015
An undated picture purportedly showing  27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud, taken from a February 2015 issue of Islamic State (IS) online magazine Dabiq.

An undated picture purportedly showing 27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud, taken from Islamic State (IS) online magazine Dabiq. Photo: AFP / HO / DABIQ

In the wake of the Paris and Beirut attacks and the downing of a Russian passenger plane - what do we do about ISIS?

We have a special panel to discuss how the West needs to respond to a new kind of foe.

Professor Robert Patman,Head of the Department of Politics at Otago University, international security analyst Paul Buchanan, and lecturer in security studies at Massey University, Tim Wood, join Wallace to talk about whether military action is enough to defeat the jihadists.

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