Geoff Chapple - Life and Influences

From Sunday Morning, 11:07 am on 14 February 2016

Geoff Chapple is probably best known for being the prime mover behind Te Araroa - The National Walkway. But he’s also a composer of operas, an author of numerous books and a keen musician. In the latest of our occasional series: Influential Kiwis talk about their Influences, Geoff Chapple tells Colin Peacock about some of the individuals, writers, thinkers and events that have influenced him. A list which includes: Bertrand Russell, mining leader Pat Mackie, Vincent Ward, pioneering composer Phil Dadson, Rewi Alley, and his cousin Maurice Gee.

Geoff Chapple on Te Araroa

Geoff Chapple on Te Araroa Photo: Supplied


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