15 Oct 2017

Sir Richard Evans: denying the Holocaust denier

From Sunday Morning, 8:40 am on 15 October 2017
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Photo: Supplied

Sir Richard Evans, Regius Professor of Modern History, Emeritus, University of Cambridge, is a historian of 20th century Europe with a focus on Germany and World War II. The author of 18 books, Sir Richard is also known for his role as an expert witness in a high-profile court case in which controversial anti-semite David Irving sued American historian Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she wrote that Irving falsified German history and was a "Holocaust denier". In London's High Court in 2000, Sir Richard produced evidence that Irving was guilty of deliberate distortion, discrediting the claims which helped to successfully defeat the libel case. Deborah Lipstadt wrote about this legal battle in History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier, and the book became the movie, Denial. Sir Richard's visit to New Zealand is being hosted by the University of Otago and he delivered the Michael King Memorial Lecture in Dunedin about how the Nazis conceived war.

Sir Richard gives a public lecture, 'The Holocaust on Trial: Reflections on the Irving-Lipstadt Trial (2000) and the film 'Denial' (2016)' on Sunday 15 October 2017, 2-3.30pm, in the Nordmeyer lecture theatre at Otago University's Wellington Campus, 23A Mein Street, Newtown

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