28 Jan 2018

Gary Young: Kiwi actor in Outlander

From Sunday Morning, 11:37 am on 28 January 2018
Gary Young as Mr Willoughby in Outlander.

Gary Young as Mr Willoughby in Outlander. Photo: Supplied

Gary Young, Kiwi actor who plays Mr Willoughby in Outlander.

Gary Young, Kiwi actor who plays Mr Willoughby in Outlander. Photo: RNZ

The TV series Outlander is a bit like a Scottish version of Game of Thrones - historical drama complete with violent battles, time-travel romance, and a little bit science fiction. There have been three seasons of Outlander, and a fourth season - from the popular Diana Gabaldon books - is in production.

Almost two years ago, Kiwi actor Gary Young landed the biggest role of his life in the series, playing Mr Willoughby. We catch up with him to ask how it's changed his life.

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