2 Dec 2018

Cirque Du Soleil's Mike Tyus: beating the odds

From Sunday Morning, 10:37 am on 2 December 2018
Mike Tyus as The Trickster in Cirque Du Soleil's Kooza

Mike Tyus as The Trickster in Cirque Du Soleil's Kooza Photo: Supplied

As a child, Mike Tyus improvised dance with his babysitters, making up routines to Michael Jackson. But aged 11, he was diagnosed with Blount's Disease and his legs had to be broken and realigned to allow him to be active. Despite the odds, he's now an acrobatic dancer with Cirque Du Soleil, and is playing The Trickster in its 'Kooza' show, coming to Auckland next year, on 15 February.

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