3 Feb 2019

Wash Westmoreland: 'Collette' years in the making

From Sunday Morning, 11:35 am on 3 February 2019
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Photo: Twitter

Wash Westmoreland’s latest movie Colette has been 17 years in the making, but it couldn’t be more timely. The first draft of the film tracking the life of the women’s rights pioneer Sidonie-Gabrielle Collette was written by Westmoreland and his late husband Richard Glatzer in 2001. Its depiction of Colette’s fight to empower herself and gain autonomy over her work nevertheless rings relevant and true in the era of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. Westmoreland says the film is borne of his admiration for an artist who lived fearlessly and his desire to puncture the often-white, straight world of period pieces with a queer woman’s story.

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