24 Mar 2019

Jake Knapp: six years of life with a distraction-free iPhone

From Sunday Morning, 11:39 am on 24 March 2019
iPhone screen

iPhone screen Photo: (Rami al Zayat via unsplash.com)

In 2012, New York Times bestselling author Jake Knapp realised he has a serious problem when it came to his phone. Like so many of us, Knapp found himself picking up and looking at his phone when he should have been doing other, more important things, like playing with his children. So he made the decision to strip everything from his phone that he had built up over the years the "goddamned apps" he had been collecting since the iPhone first came out in 2007 in an attempt to get his brain back. He joins the show to explain how an iPhone without apps can still be an amazing device, and look at some of the positive impacts that have come with living without so many of the distractions that are available to use on our phones these days.

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