29 Aug 2021

Why coins will continue to stand the test of time

From Sunday Morning, 10:06 am on 29 August 2021

In his new book, When Money Talks: A History of Coins and Numismatics, Professor Frank L. Holt investigates the history of money in the form of coinage and the discipline that studies it, highlighting his incredible knowledge of money from the ancient world to the world of today. Professor Holt is with us to look at the new book and why coins aren't going away any time soon, despite the fact Americans alone throw away 60 million dollars' worth of them each year.

Frank L. Holt is professor of history at the University of Houston and author of When Money Talks.

Frank L. Holt is professor of history at the University of Houston and author of When Money Talks. Photo: Supplied/Oxford University Press

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