12 Dec 2021

Calling Home: Tracey Rackliff in Sideman, Bali

From Sunday Morning, 9:40 am on 12 December 2021

It was during a deployment to the Solomon Islands in 2013 that former Wairarapa detective sergeants Tracey and Rob Rackliff decided that they were going to resign from the police and try something new... somewhere a little warmer. Within a couple of years of their return from the Solomon Islands, the couple arrived in Sideman, Bali, where they opened a luxury resort and spa called Samanvaya. Covid-19 has been a disruption, to say the least, but Tracey and Rob have soldiered on, keeping over 30 employees (all from local villages) in paid employment through the pandemic and even managing to expand the business while Indonesia's borders were closed to international visitors. Tracey is joining us on Calling Home this morning.


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