27 Mar 2022

Calling Home: Alan Duncan in Bermuda

From Sunday Morning, 10:04 am on 27 March 2022

Dunedinite Alan Duncan is currently enjoying his second stint in Bermuda, having previously lived there in the 1980s when he was working for Price Waterhouse Cooper. Alan and Canadian wife Linda (and their two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels) live in Pembroke, one of the nine parishes of Bermuda, just on the outskirts of the capital city, Hamilton. He works as CFO for Torxx Kinetic Pulverizer Limited, a leader in the waste management and recycling, and the close proximity of the couple's rented Bermuda cottage means he has an enjoyable (and stress-free) commute to work each day by way of a leisurely 10 minute walk. Alan's Calling Home this morning.

New Zealander Alan Duncan and wife Linda in Bermuda.

New Zealander Alan Duncan and wife Linda in Bermuda. Photo: Copyright/Alan Duncan


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