17 Apr 2022

Calling Home: Gordon McMaster in Port Moresby

From Sunday Morning, 10:35 am on 17 April 2022

Auckland-born businessman Gordon McMaster lives in the Papua New Guinea capital of Port Moresby with his wife Vagi (who is a PNG citizen) and four children, Ernest, Maureen, Ludwina and Jack.

Gordon works as the Group GM for a family-owned business in Port Moresby, having started in January this year after spending his entire time prior to that working for a large company called Steamships Trading Company (where he had five roles over 14 years). His current role involves him overseeing three companies in the security, property development and management and civil works industries.

When they're not busy with school and work, the family loves to hit the water and explore all that PNG has to offer. Gordon's Calling Home this morning. 

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