Beloved Kiwi comedian Tom Sainsbury is busy as ever.
Along with co-hosting Snack Masters NZ with Kim Crossman and featuring in a host of other TV shows on our screens (including Wellington Paranormal), Sainsbury is about to hit the road with his nationwide Snapchat Dude Live! tour. The 15-stop tour, which kicks off in New Plymouth next Sunday, will travel almost everywhere in New Zealand - except the West Coast and Whangarei...
Sainsbury, who was nominated for the prestigious Billy T Award for New Zealand comedy in 2019, is with us to discuss the tour - which he likens to a Marvel Man movie - and what drove him to pick The Offspring's 'Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)' as his karaoke song.
Kiwi comedian Tom Sainsbury is taking his Snapchat Dude Live! tour to the road. Photo: Supplied