24 Jul 2022

Memoir of an anthropologist

From Sunday Morning, 11:25 am on 24 July 2022

The name Higham is highly distinguished in the field of archaeology. Last year we interviewed Oxford University's Professor Tom Higham, originally from Dunedin, on his book How Science is Revealing a New Story of Our Human Origins. Now his dad has a book out too, his memoir. Charles Higham has been an eminent professor of archaeology at Otago, now emeritus, and his new book's called DIGGING DEEP - A Journey into Southeast Asia's past. He's still working at the forefront of discoveries there, extracting DNA from older and older humans there, creating deeper and deeper knowledge all the time of our ancient past as a species, how we lived and organised ourselves. Charles came to Otago University from Cambridge in the 1960s, with wife Polly and a very young Tom, and they have stayed.

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