2 Oct 2022

Emanuel Kalafatelis – Probing appetite for a republic

From Sunday Morning, 8:12 am on 2 October 2022

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II, has for many reignited the debate about New Zealand becoming a republic. 

Having canvassed the topic in the past, Research New Zealand have run a new poll to gauge where opinion sits here in Aotearoa. 

Research New Zealand’s Emanuel Kalafatelis joins us with more. 

Coat of Arms of New Zealand (1956-Present)
The Coat of Arms depict a shield with four quadrants divided by a central "pale". The first quadrant depicts the four stars on the flag of New Zealand; the second quadrant depicts a golden fleece, representing the nation's farming industry; the third depicts a sheaf of wheat for agriculture; and the fourth quadrant depicts crossed hammers for mining. The central pale depicts three galleys, representing New Zealand's maritime nature and also the Cook Strait. The Dexter supporter is a European woman carrying the flag of New Zealand, while the Sinister supporter is a Maori Warrior holding a Taiaha (Fighting weapon) and wearing a Kaitaka (flax cloak). The Shield is topped by the Crown of St. Edward, the Monarch of New Zealand's Crown. Below is a scroll with "New Zealand" on it, behind which (constituting the "heraldic compartment" on which the supporters stand) are two fern branches.

Photo: Sodacan, CC BY-SA 3.0

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