6 Nov 2022

Dr Thomas Neitzert: designing safer automobiles

From Sunday Morning, 10:40 am on 6 November 2022

NZTA, Waka Kotahi, says NZ is well-placed to benefit from the uptake of electric vehicles on our roads, because of our short average commutes, 22 kilometres a day, because 85% of our homes have off-street parking, although some inner city homes are being designed now in ways to discourage car ownership, and because we have plenty of electricity to accommodate EVs. The Government wants 30% of NZ's light vehicles to be electric by 2035. Overseas, though, questions are being asked about how we are transitioning to these vehicles globally, with regard to safety and affordability. Dr Thomas Neitzert is an engineer, and an emeritus professor at AUT. He used to teach at the University of Stuttgart and at one time worked for Mercedes-Benz, designing safer automobiles.

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