Chanelle Moriah: This is ADHD

From Sunday Morning, 10:10 am on 11 June 2023

It's said that 15-20% of people, perhaps up to a quarter of the population, are in some category of neurodivergence: being autistic, having ADHD or dyslexia or OCD  or unusual anxiety. There's a longer list as well, which encompasses conditions such as Tourette's and dyspraxia.

Often people who are wired differently from the majority have above-average intelligence and are gifted, but they also pay a price. Perhaps 5% of the population have ADHD, and 1-2% a diagnosis of autism. Chanelle Moriah has both conditions. The autism diagnosis came at age 21, and Chanelle's book 'I Am Autistic' was a top-seller, and it won the New Zealand Society of Authors First Book Award in the NZ Book Awards last year.

Now Chanelle has written a follow-up: This is ADHD - An Interactive & Informative Guide.

Chanelle Moriah ADHD

Photo: Allen & Unwin

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