27 Oct 2024

Why are people in their 30s and 40s experiencing increased memory problems?

From Sunday Morning, 8:38 am on 27 October 2024

According to a recent article in The Boston Globe, people in their 30s and 40s are reporting an unprecedented wave of memory problems. While the cause has not been pinpointed, it has been suggested by leading neuroscientists that our reliance on technology and the sheer amount of information we absorb everyday could play a part. 

Professor Cliff Abraham teaches psychology at the University of Otago, is the co-lead of the Aotearoa Brain Project, and the co-director of Brain Research NZ. He joins the show to discuss. 

Memory loss, conceptual illustration. (Photo by VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/SCIENCE P / VHB / Science Photo Library via AFP)


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