18 Nov 2012

Baroness Vivien Stern - The Pain of Prison

From Sunday Morning, 11:12 am on 18 November 2012

Baroness Stern of Vauxhall is one of the world's best known justice and prison reformers. She is primarily involved in reform on a global scale - currently a Member of the Advisory Council, ILANUD (United Nations Latin American Institute for Crime Prevention and the Treatment of Offenders); and Honorary Secretary-general, Penal Reform International; she was formerly a board member, Association for Prevention of Torture, Geneva 1993-2000; and Vice-president, Comité de Soutien, Français Incarcérés au Loin (FIL) 2001-07. She talks to Chris about progress to recognise the human rights of prisoners, and the vital role of prison staff and the wider community in prisoner rehabilitation.

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