23 Mar 2014

Rosemary Foot - Tension in the Asia-Pacific Region

From Sunday Morning, 11:12 am on 23 March 2014

As we mark 100 years since the outbreak of the First World War, parallels are being drawn between the tensions on the eve of that conflict and the atmosphere and conditions prevailing in parts of the Asia-Pacific today. Professor Foot talks to Finlay about some of the arguments that have caused those parallels to be made, and what is generating tension in our part of the world. Rosemary Foot is Professor of International Relations and the Sir John Swire Senior Research Fellow in the International Relations of East Asia, St Antony's College, University of Oxford. She also holds the Sir Howard Kippenberger Visiting Chair at Victoria University and will deliver the annual Kippenberger public lecture next week in Wellington. For enquiries about the lecture, contact the Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University: css@vuw.ac.nz

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