Sunday, 5 August 2012
E tohe e taa te purihi
Persistence has its rewards
This weeks whakatauki is explained by Sophie Nock no Ngati Kahu
When you spend a week travelling throughout a region you’re going to pick up something of its language nuance, and if you’re lucky attend an important historical occasion. That’s exactly what Maraea Rakuraku did in April, 2012 when she travelled the width and breadth of Te Tai Tokerau. First, there was the return of the Kaitaia lintel/ kuaha Tangonge to Te Uri o Hina, Marae - Pukepoto from Auckland Museum which, days later was then reinstated within the new Te Ahu Heritage centre, Kaitaia.
Kūpapa are part of our history that some Māori aren’t prepared to talk about publicly but, consider this, what is one tribes kūpapa is another tribes hero or indeed their own hero? Maraea Rakuraku tours Ohawe near Hawera with Daisy Noble of Ngā hapu o Ngaruahine, who outlays the history of the coastal settlement that includes; kūpapa.
Growing up Sophie Nock (right) only ever heard te reo Māori spoken on a marae with her grandparents generation. It never occurred to her that it could be learned and transported everywhere until the 1980’s when she enrolled in Te Ataarangi, and started learning it herself. She has a chat with Justine Murray about that journey.
Waiata featured: Ne ra and Te Rito performed by Kirsten Te Rito from the album Te Rito (2012)